Whether complementing or contrasting an existing palette or exclusively collecting a new or beloved heirloom color, Le Creuset offers more colors than any other cookware brand. The color lab at our headquarters in France is unrivaled in the industry, with our experts constantly pushing the envelope of what is possible in colorful cookware. This design-forward approach has resulted in the release of some of the world’s most sought-after shades – ones that become not only powerful style statements but also cherished collections.
But with so many hues to choose from, we know it can be hard to narrow down the choices. If you’re not sure where to start to find your favorite shade just follow this easy guide to pick your Le Creuset color palette. We also put together some of our favorite pairings in studio to give you a sense of how they will look on the shelves of your kitchen or on the table.
Is Your Color Style Bold and Bright?
The first question to ask when finding your color style is whether you like a more casually colorful style or whether you prefer to keep it neutral. If you’re into color, you might prefer a tonal palette where all of the colors create a beautiful ombré effect. Or you might want to pair colors from opposite ends of the spectrum – the term ‘opposites attract’ works when it comes to color. The key to working with contrasting colors is to keep the hue and saturation similar for a more unified look.
Tonal Palette

Do You Prefer Neutrals?
On the other end of the color continuum, neutrals provide a soothing sense of stability and order that many people prefer over bright colors. They harmonize together to create a layered, calming effect, or can also work to soften a more colorful palette. Most often we think of neutrals as simply shades in the white to black spectrum, but a more modern approach incorporates soft blues, greens and even pinks and purples to create a soothing, neutral palette.
Coastal Classics
Nature’s blues, greens, and grays remind us of calming scenes or experiences and blend together effortlessly to create a quiet, centering refuge . Drawing on that inspiration, we created this beach-inspired palette of creamy Meringue, rocky Oyster gray and blue-green Sea Salt.